Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bacon Cinnamon Rolls

Yes you read that right.
We made these beauties Sunday morning.
This experiment started with getting 2 cans of the nice BIG cinnamon rolls.
Then we oven cooked bacon (we put foil on a cookie sheet with sides, put the bacon on it and cooked it until it was ALMOST crispy).
Then dried off the bacon so the rolls wouldn't be soggy.
Unrolled the cinnamon rolls and we added the bacon. Some of the rolls took 2 pieces, because I unrolled them completely.
And then baked them with the instructions on the can. and

Before Baking-Bacon Cooked and Rolled in

Finished Product!

Friday, January 25, 2013

And Then There Were None!

SO I am a crazy woman!!!

It is going to be a busy next few months. Before I decided to be a participant in the two Run/Walks a great friend and Art Teacher, in the room adjacent to mine, asked if I could audition in the play that her husband was directing. 

I have never been on a stage like that. TOTALLY out of my norm.
But what the hay, it is a new year and I am trying new things.

So I auditioned. 

And what do you know.. I got the lead role.. Well not exactly. Lead lady is the better term.
Anyways. My mom and I have decided to make my outfits. We went down to Joann's because they had patterns on sale!!  And these are the two outfits that were decided on... 

Entrance: Prolly going to add a Cardigan and a pillbox hat
This one is going to be short and and a little tight
Next! I am going to do the long pants
But also make the bottoms flare a bit

Now.. I have the patterns. Now to find the right material. 

I feel I shall loose my head....

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lazy Sunday.... psst

Well today I cooked breakfast AND lunch. 
Thankfully dinner was cooked for me thanks to Mr. D
But lunch was my big experiment!!

I LOVE canned Beanee Weenee's.. 
I always will associate those with my daddy!!  

But sadly I didn't have any. And they are soo DURN expensive.

Well I had hot dogs (the best there are, Nathan's) and Campbells Pork and Beans.

So we decided that I should make some! 

Here is what I did.

2 Cans Campbells Pork and Beans (use whatcha want.. these are my fave kind)
1 package Nathan's Beef Hot dogs (usually nothing else is in my house)
1/4 cup BBQ Sauce ( I used honey BBQ sauce, its all I had from a recipe before)
1/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 tsp mustard

Mix all together!!

I have heard K.I.S.S. so much here lately (NOT the band)
K= Keep
I  = It
S = Simple
S = Stupid!!

and this is one of those "k.i.s.s" recipes!

Next time I am going to try and change a few little things.
Like... I read somewhere that some people sautéed the hot dogs first in a little margarine.
And I think I am going to try my horseradish mustard instead of yellow mustard

But here are the pictures of the experiment!! 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Color Run Nashville TN

I am supper DUPPER excited about this!!!!

One of my best friends posted about it. So I signed up this morning!!! 

The link is HERE to sign up!
I found some pictures on their website that I feel I must post here!
I just love the colors.

They say it is all natural 

and you can even EAT it.. but they wouldn't advise it. (Don't think I will do that)

I hope that once I get there I can have my own pictures to add to my page.
 These are some pretty awesome pictures. And  I do NOT take credit for them. The link for them are under each of the pictures. 

I thought this was going to be my very first 5k.. But I was wrong!!! The Adamsville Elementary School Cardinal Strut is March the 16th. And this is the 30th of March.

I need to get my behind in gear.
So far I am keeping to my New Year Resolution of getting healthy!!!

2 Walk/Runs in one month. What was I thinking.. But with both of them I have a strong support system!

I really think that this is going to be a GREAT year. 

Adamsville Elementary School Cardinal Strut

Adamsville Elementary School
First Annual Cardinal Strut 5K Run/Walk
March 16, 2013

Start time: 9:00 AM
Location: Near the Buford Pusser Museum
Registration / Sign-In Location: Adamsville Elementary School, 211 South Elm Street
Registration: 8:00AM-8:45AM, $25 day of race.
Pre-Registration Deadline: March 1st, $20 - FREE T-SHIRT!

This race is a certified course. All pre-registered entrants will receive a FREE AES Cardinal Strut T-Shirt. The two classes, one in grades PreK-2 and one 3-6, at AES with the most money raised for the race will both receive $100 for their teacher to use in their classroom for needed materials. These classes will also receive a FREE pizza party donated by PePe’s Pizza, and slushies donated by Sonic, both in Adamsville, TN.

Here is the Registration Form!

Adamsville Elementary Cardinal Strut

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Elf on the Shelf 2

Sparkles riding the hooks

This is where I found Sparkles Tuesday morning
Was she swinging from hook to hook or maybe riding it like a zip-line!!

Elf on the Shelf

This is my Elf from Santa.
I found her on Monday in the Music Room! 
I was so excited.
Until I saw that she was on my board and WROTE on the board with the crayons. YIKES!!!
She needs to stay in school too.
So she can learn how to spell!!!
Meet Sparkles